{"id":225,"date":"2007-05-03T03:56:28","date_gmt":"2007-05-03T03:56:28","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.infobeasiswa.net\/archives\/2007\/05\/03\/king-saud-university-scholarship-for-indonesia-students\/"},"modified":"2007-05-08T06:54:21","modified_gmt":"2007-05-08T06:54:21","slug":"king-saud-university-scholarship-for-indonesia-students","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/www.infobeasiswa.net\/archives\/2007\/05\/03\/king-saud-university-scholarship-for-indonesia-students\/","title":{"rendered":"King Saud University Scholarship for Indonesia Students"},"content":{"rendered":"

\"BeasiswaEmbassy of Indonesia for Saudi Arabia announces master (S2) and doctor\/PhD (S3) scholarships from King Saud University (KSU) in science and technology. This information announced by the Ambassador of Indonesia for Arab Saudi and Oman, Salim Segaf Al Jufrie and Culture Attache Juhdi Syarif, after meeting with KSU director, Abdullah bin Abdurrahman bin Abdullah Al Uthman in Riyadh past weekend.<\/p>\n

To RI Ambassador, Abdurrahman express every year there are 300 scholarships to learn in KSU. Ten percent given to Indonesia student. In detail, scholarship given to 20 master students (S2), and 10 students PhD program (S3). Study is submitted with English deliverer. Besides, student also is asked to be researcher assistant. Other cooperation on the market KSU is lecturer transfer program.
\nA master and PhD programs majoring in Food Science, Agriculture, Pharmacy, Physics, Botany, Microbiology, Zoology, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Operational Research<\/em>. Besides, also majoring in Computer and Information Sciences, Nursing, Society health science, Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Chemical <\/em>Engineering<\/em>, Mechanical <\/em>Engineering<\/em>, and Petroleum Engineering.<\/em><\/p>\n

Scholarship obtained for example hostel, scholarship money for the price of 2500 riyal Saudi (about $666) per month.<\/p>\n
